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Do you ever find yourself completely losing your mind in your business because you don’t know what to do first? You have all these great ideas, yet your mind is clogged and focusing just doesn’t work! It’s so annoying I know. Been there too girlfriend. Does your business feel like a junk drawer? Because if it does that’s probably the reason you’re not where you want to be in your business! Once you master your organization, then your organization becomes your toolbox to success!

At this very moment, wherever you are, I want you to empty your mind. Grab yourself a cup of joe and let’s dig in on this topic together! I want you to leave here on fire and recharged with excitement to take your network marketing business to the next level.

Time to declutter your mind! This is the very first step and the most crucial of all! Once your mind is organized and clear on what is happening, everything else will fall into place.

With that, let’s get started on your why? Get your notebook and write this down.

  • Why are you in the business you’re in?

  • What’s your vision?

  • Where do you see yourself?

  • Where do you want to be?

  • Who inspires you?

  • What’s your 5 year goal?

These are all very important questions to ask yourself and the best way is to WRITE IT DOWN! I have found the best way to de-clutter my mind with all the thoughts that are like a tornado in my mind are to get them on paper. It doesn’t matter where I’m at, you will always find a notebook in my purse. Sometimes five notebooks lol. I’ve learned that my thoughts on paper bring POWER and with POWER comes CONFIDENCE and with CONFIDENCE comes SUCCESS!

Clutter comes in many forms, including doing things that eat up time but don’t add anything of value. So what can you cut out in your day that’s not bringing value to your personal goals? Is it endless scrolling on social media? Maybe it’s your favorite tv shows that suck you in. Whatever it is, get rid of it! It may seem harsh and sacrificial, but I promise, if you’ll be consistent, it will pay off tenfold and be more than worth it. I am living proof of that.

Next, get prepared and get organized in your workspace. Set aside 2 – 4 hours to clean up, clean out and get ready. Get rid of the clutter and junk that is slowing you down. Did you know that having clutter around slows you down, even if you don’t think so, because you are psychologically aware of it and it is eating into your productive time!

For example, if my house is a mess I can’t concentrate and if I don’t make my bed…. well that just throws me off!!! Could you imagine working in a messy office? Heck NO! A clean house and fresh flowers from Publix with candles lit is exactly how I like it! It brings me peace and comfort, which makes my working space my sanctuary.

So you might be asking yourself, Okay Ash I get all that, but what are your actual methods to organization? How do I get my business up and going and how do I become the best of the best!?

Here it is lovies. This right here is what saved me and shaped me into a successful millionaire leader in this industry! My 3 Methods to organization.

1. Plan it and write it!

I’m more of a pen and paper kinda gal so having a planner is my LIFE! So along with my notebooks, my planner is pretty much my second child! LOL!

Hear me when I say (yelling at you in a sweet but feisty way) your planner will change it all if you actually use it the right way! I want you to go through your calendar and block out all times that are non negotiable and unavailable for business time. This would be family time, church, a job, etc. Now, fill in other times that are taken, but possibly negotiable.

Next, fill in those times that you commit to working your business. Take a careful look at this calendar and the time you’ve slated for your business. Is there enough time there to take you to the level you want in your business?

When I time block in my planner I love to use highlighters! I use a different color highlighter for each category. Example:

  • Family Time

  • Self Development

  • Working Out

  • Appointments/Zooms

  • Team Trainings

  • 1 hour Social Media Blast

Sunday evening is a great time for me to open my planner and really look at the week ahead and time block! That way when I wake up on Monday I’m not a total mess and I do actually have my crap together! haha! 😉

The planner that I have been using for about 2 years now is the Life Planner by Erin Condren. It’s so fun as you can customize the entire planner! I do the hourly format as this really breaks down my day. Check it out by clicking Here!

2. Trackers for days!

Praise the Lord, a system that works (well for me anyway)! No more worrying about who this person is, what my customer purchased, what their health goals are, etc! I have it all written down (yes written because remember, I like pen and paper)! LOL

Talk about being organized….. this is it! I never want to go back to that place where I had no idea who he/she is because my organization has grown so large. It’s true and I’m okay to say that. It doesn’t mean I don’t care for the customer who signed up with me, I do! I made the connection, they purchased their system but It happens all too often that once your organization continues to grow there is absolutely NO WAY you’re going to remember who Sherry, Jenn, Amy, John, Patrick and Chrissy are! It’s a fact, and totally understandable! Using my trackers has helped me more times than I can count!

I have trackers that I use daily for my customers, business builders, and my potentials!

Customer Tracker

 With my customer tracker it’s all pretty self explanatory. As soon as you sign a customer up, you would simply log it down.

  • Name

  • Sign up date

  • Contact (FB, Instagram, Target) wherever you made that connection

  • The package purchased Health goals

It’s that easy! No need to over complicate this process.

Click HERE to print out my customer tracker!

Prospect Tracker

 The prospect tracker is LIFE! Without this I would be 1000% clueless! Use this every time you reach out to someone. As soon as you’ve made a reach out they’re now your prospect! Write it down! If someone reaches out to you, they’re now your prospect! Write it down!

  • Name

  • Reach out date

  • Contact (FB, Instagram, Target) wherever you made that connection

  • Health goals

  • Link sent (check ✔️once you’ve sent them any website tool)

  • Ordered (check ✔️ once they’ve ordered)

  • Follow up (check ✔️off every time you do a follow up.

Click Here to print out my prospect tracker!

Associate Tracker

The Associate tracker is a wonderful tool for all the business builders that you have personally signed up.

  • Name

  • Sign up date

  • Contact (FB, Instagram, Target) wherever you made that connection

  • Package ordered

  • Check ✔️ once they rank advance!

  • Consultant/Manager/Director

Click HERE to print out my associate tracker!

I pray🙏🏻 these help you as much as they’ve helped me!

3. 60 Minute Social Media Blast

Girlfriend, If you ain’t on Instagram and Facebook I’m sorry to inform you that you’re in competition with millions so you better get on it! According to Dreamgrow There are 3.48 billion social media users in 2019, with the worldwide total growing by 288 million (9 percent) since this time last year.

Did you know that half the worlds population is on social media! YEAH GIRL! If you’re not using social media to grow your business you’re going to slide down the growth hill fast! KEEP UP!

I have to say, I’m more active on Instagram and here is why!

Top brands on Instagram are seeing a per-follower engagement rate of 4.21% which is 58 times higher than on Facebook and 120 times higher than on Twitter (Source: HootsuiteInstagram has become a powerful platform for marketers and its potential cannot be overlooked any longer.

So what Does Ashley do every day on Social Media? I block out at least an hour! Not an hour of endless scrolling, an hour of hardcore, in-depth work that will bring you genuine followers, and buyers!

15 min

I follow 10 new sisters every day, and these 10 ladies are who I obviously target to join my organization. Of course, they don’t know that yet, but they will! #mindset.

I want to attract a team of go-getters, girls that may be lost and struggling in life that need to know that there is hope and a future for them. I have been in this industry for 5 years, and if there is one thing I know for certain, it’s that girls need love and encouragement. I’m a huge advocate for woman empowerment as I use to be that lost girl who didn’t know where God wanted me. Things changed, I grew and now my mission is to help inspire and show other women their worth.

We live in a society where there is absolutely way too many mean girls! Girls that hurt with their words and actions that cause pain. It’s ugly and it’s disgusting! We need to change that do we not? Our hearts should be molded in Gods image, not the world’s image. I can rant about this topic all day, so I’ll save that for another post. xo

(End rant)

15 min

The second task that I do in my 60 minute social media blast is to message at least 5 girls that I have been following. A conversation has to get started right? You can’t just wait for them to message you because odds are, they won’t. It’s time you you get bold and recruit up sister! What’s stopping you from messaging that girl that has 50,000/100,000/300,000 followers? So what!? Remember the worst thing that will happen is they tell you no, but you have to STOP expecting whatever it is you’re expecting. That’s not fair to you or the girl with a huge following. What if she was actually interested? What if she really needed a financial breakthrough ? What if she was miserable in life and needed just a little glimpse of hope.

Just because they have a following doesn’t mean they are content with their life. A huge following is just a number and I bet you they would rather have that number in their bank account! Makes you think huh!🤔 RECRUIT UP SISTER!

Now take out your prospecting sheet and Write them down! (The 5 prospects you’ve sent a message too).

15 min

Your third step is to simply like, love and comment on posts. This can be done on Instagram and/or Facebook. A great idea is to go through your friends list starting with A’s. You will be surprised on how many people you’re actually not engaging with because your feed is covered only by those in your business. When I started to do this I was completely shocked because I was missing out on so much opportunity for growth! People I went to high school with, friends I use to work with etc. I missed out because they were hidden from my timeline. (FB) I was only engaged with my team. We NEED NEW BLOOD at all times! This is network marketing for crying out loud. It’s what we do. We network. There is no networking when you’re not networking.

So by going through your friends list and leaving some love with likes and comments, you will start to see them show up on your newsfeeds. This means new prospects baby!!!

15 min

Lastly, make a post! What you put on your Instagram you should also be posting on your FB. Double the power! Your post can be about anything you want. Motivational, quotes, family or business. Anything goes. You have to be relatable to your audience and show them a glimpse inside your life. If you only talk about business then you might find your following going Incognito. We don’t want to lose them, we want to gain them and most importantly we want them coming back!! So stay you, be fun and incorporate your business with who you are.

I always tell my team,

“Once you sell yourself first, then everything else comes easy!” They buy you, before they buy a product!

 Now, who’s up for the challenge! Follow my 3 steps to organization for 30 days! During this time frame I would love to hear from you and how your business is doing.

I’m praying for financial abundance over your business! Get organized, clear your mind and clean up! It’s time time we WIN and together we can! As my mentor always says,

Les Brown


Ash 💕

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